Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Meaning Behind THE SMITHS "Asleep"

This blog is in response to the correct homework assignment. The previous blog was supposed to be my personal thoughts, but I figured I may as well leave it up so I wouldn't forget them. I miss writing letters.

"Sing me to sleep, I'm tired and I want to go to bed" seems to me to be the words of someone asking for an escape. Because of the theme of death that has been introduced so prominently in the book thus far, it could mean to Charlie an escape from life. He may want the opportunity to simply get away, not necessarily die, and wants to take a "nap" to distance himself from everything that is troubling him. He may feel that this song enforces his desire, and likes to listen to it because he can relate to it. I could not blame someone as young as Charlie to want to not be woken up once he found the peaceful place he is looking for. I also can understand him not wanting to "wake up alone anymore". He may feel small and alone with all of the events surrounding him, and he simply wants someone there with him. This song could possibly embody Charlie's emotions, so it is no wonder why he is attached to it so much.

A Mother's Love

It is expected that a mother wants the best for a child. She wants to see the being she nurtured and gave life to be successful and achieve their dreams.
We learn of mothers who impose their ideas of an ideal future on their children or live some aspect of a longed for reality through theirs. This idea of some mothers seeing their kids as a second chance is what inspired me to believe that the mother was encouraging her child to advance as far as possible with something he showed a talent/appreciation for.
Another possibility was that the mother was looking for ways for her son to be as accomplished as possible so he could to obtain a scholarship. I felt that way because sometimes I think that's what my mother does for me. Although I know she loves and wants the best for me, I know sometimes she's not always able to provide all that she wishes she could. For that reason, I sometimes feel that motivates her to encourage me to do my best so that I can have the best opportunities when it comes to paying for and attending college. I don't see that as devaluing me, but keeping my future in mind.
I also based my assumption off of when Charlie told us his parents were hoping he would get a scholarship so that they would be able to put all of their kids through college. Similarly, I do not view this as undervaluing Charlie but wanting him to be able to have the best chances post high school.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Response to August 25, 1991

I am writing this letter in hopes that one day you will feel open enough to share who you are with me. That way, I can share some of my thoughts and advice to help you through this tumultuous time. I will, however, do my best to simply listen, understand, and be available to you if you need me.
From your letter, I could tell that you feel pent up frustration and confusion with all of the terrifying events that have scarred you at a young age. The idea of death is not really something we consider on a daily basis unless we are touched by it personally, as you were. I deeply regret that you had to experience such an unexplained loss of someone so close in age to you. I hope that your letters help you find the answers you are looking for, and provide you with a peace of mind along the way.
I understand feeling both happy and sad simultaneously. It feels as if the sky is split between a breathtaking sunrise and a dark, menacing thunderstorm. You want to walk away and embrace the beauty of a new day, but you can hear the crashing thunder and feel the pounding winds against your back when you turn away from the darkness that chases you. You must confront the darkness for it to lose it's power over you. Confronting it is best when you have someone there to help you through it, and I can be that person if you need me to.
I promise to read every letter you send, and I hope that in time you will overcome this storm and embrace the waiting sunrise.

Waiting with an umbrella,